Get Started In 4 Steps.

Thank you so much for signing up for the 14 day free trial.
Step 1. Now that you’re in, you’ll need to register your business with Shologoo.
Simply type in your browser of choice…
Once registered you can login at:
Step 2. As soon as you register and login. You will be presented with your inbox. This is where your reveiws live. You can approve and reply to them from this section.

Go to channels and pick Google, After you have entered your business and everythings set up, go to Step 3.

Step 3. Click on Collect, this is where you’ll find a link to where your customers can leave a review of your business and QR codes.

Step 4. Widgets is where you will be able to add the reviews to your website.

Quick tip. If you click on the form on collect reviews section, you will be able to add the mobile number to where your customers can leave their review.
The new platform is self service, but if you need support. Just email.
Like I said this is a 14 day free trial to help you get to grips with the Shologoo platform and start getting review for your business.