The Shologoo How-To Series.

If you are a beginner in all things web3, this will be the place to learn about this fascinating new world. Where we show you step by step how to navigate Shologoo

How To Setup A Metamask Wallet.

1. Click on the 3 dots at the top right of the chrome browser. Find where it says extentions and then visit chrome webstore. Do a search for metamask and then add to chrome. You should now see a metamask icon on the top right of your chrome browser. Click on the icon and create a new account.

2. Once you have set up the account. Click on what I have circled, you will see a menu popup.

3. Click on Add Network

4. On this page you can add the polygon mainnet by clicking add to your metamask wallet.

5. If all done correctly, you will have a success confirmation that polygon has been added to your metamask wallet.

Up next, we will cover adding funds to your polygon mainnet.

Shologoo 2024